Of course it wouldn't be Easter if we didn't color eggs. Briana found on Food Network that Alton Brown says to bake your eggs, so thats how we did it this year and they turned out fine. I don't eat them anyway but Briana and Emilee love them.
Beautiful eggs!
We decided to go to the city wide egg hunt. The kids had fun but the eggs were wiped out in seconds. Isabelle wouldn't pick up a couple because there were flys flying around (she is very afraid of bugs this year). I have to say it was a pretty neat egg hunt, if you found a number in your egg you won a prize. They had so many prizes which was neat because several kids won not just one from each age group. Isabelle won two prizes and Andrew won one.
Andrews age group didn't seem to have many eggs, I don't know if that was an oversight. But Ted said they were gone before you could blinked.
Belle's group had a lot of eggs but it was 3 - 5 yr. olds and there were tons of kids. She just isn't agressive enough to get a lot of eggs. Oh, and the bugs didn't help either, haha.
With their prizes! They both won educational games, which was nice.